Oh my, thanks Ken ! tears mlb My most favorite of all time, I’m outside 1st thing in the morning , warm , cold, hot , raining Doesn’t matter. Usually at work walking between bldgs “It’s a Beautiful morning” I sing it, I whistle it. I just thank God I’m living , walking and able to think Of all the things most beautiful in my life, C K L K - LKT – MMQ - Gma It’s a beautiful morning my little beauty Love you much, fd The text above is an email I recieved from my dad this morning. After hearing about his bad day yesterday (his car overheated and is out of commission) I wanted to tell him I loved him and that I hoped he had an awesome day today! Then, a few minutes later, my school email alert sounded and I was greeted with this tear jerker. I know that a lot of it won’t mean anything to you. He uses some pretty trippy email lingo and some abbreviations only myself of family members would understand. But this email… simple things like this, from my dad mean more to me than anyone could ever imagine. (Not to mention, I am a sucker for a good, sweet note or letter!)
Anyway, my email to him told him how much I was thinking about him this morning. On my way to work, I heard “Isn’t She Lovely” by Stevie Wonder on the radio! I imagined, as I often do, the different songs that my dad and I could dance to on my wedding day (and there are often tear as I’m picturing this!) The song we choose won’t be any old, sappy, daddy/daughter song, (even though there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with those types of songs). It’s just that my dad and I’s relationship is different than that. A love for good music is something that we have always shared. I remember being five or six years old, sitting in the front seat, next to Dad! It was always a Saturday morning, and we were always headed to the good old YMCA for a volleyball or basketball game. He was my coach, and this pattern continued for many years; him being my coach, the Saturday morning car rides, and the music lessons. I would say this was a six-year tradition! We would turn the radio station to oldies or classic rock and we would listen. He would tell me about the songs, the artists, which parts of the songs were best, which singers were his favorites, which old songs he and his friends would play in band on their trumpets, and so on! Then we might put in the Commodores CD and listen to Lionel Richie sing away! I will remember those car rides for the rest of my life. I would say that those moments spent with my dad are the reasons why I am, and this might be the only reason why, a daddy’s girl. I really never thought I would say that I am specifically a mommy’s or daddy’s girl because I love both of them so much, I respect them, admire them, look up to them, seek their approval, and all that parent/kid stuff. But if I had to choose, I would tell who ever asked me the long story of the car rides and come to the daddy’s girl conclusion. The memories that I know he values just as much as I do and the lessons that he taught me, bind he and I together. Thinking of my dad, the music, his genuine, truthful, and his whole-hearted love for me and everything I am make me emotional every time. And I hope that never changes. Sunday, as I sat in church, there were a few different things running through my mind. Of course, I was listening to Pastor Joel speak about how, “God doesn’t
give us what we want. He gives us what we need.” - When he sees fit, how he sees fit, and it is always more of a blessing than we could ever imagine! But in between focusing on the message and being annoyed by the young couple groping each other beside me (Seriously? In church?) I was thinking about how much I was dreading going to back to school -- back to my students and my classroom. The only thing that was brightening that dark cloud of an ending spring break was the fact that it was a four day week! Friday was Good Friday, and I wouldn’t have to be at school. I could sleep in! I could get things done! But then, my mind would focus, and it happened to stop on the topic of Good Friday, and then I would slowly shift back to the message. As the body of Christ, we were, and should be, excitedly preparing our hearts for Easter, and doing such allows me to feel my joy springs flow (my heart is bursting) with my love for the Easter holiday. In my mind, Easter is not one of the “major” holidays. I think people tend to focus on Christmas, whether their minds automatically go to gifts, family, or celebrating the birth of our Savior, or to Thanksgiving: turkey, football, naps, and pie! I think for most, Easter is overlooked. But for me, when the topic comes up, there are favorite aspects of the holiday that I hold in my heart and mind with a very romanticized view. I would love to share my favorite Easter memories and happenings with you, now!
Of course, there are many other aspects of the Easter holiday, that I love! I am so happy to spend that time with my church family, my parents and siblings, and for the second year now, with my fiance and his family! But those were the three favorites that I felt called to share with you, and I am so happy that I got to do that! (If you have made it this far through the post!) I hope that this time of year and season of your life are blessed! As the musical Godspell says, “Prepare Ye, the way of The Lord! |
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